Friday, 26 October 2012

Young Love

Sometimes we forget why we fell in love in the first place. If you've been missing some romance then why not try this really simple idea to bring back your very first loving memories.

In those first few days and weeks of your relationship what did you do to get to know each other and pass the time? Was there a particular pub that you visited? Did you stay up until 3 in the morning playing games? Did you spend your evenings/days watching a certain tv program? Were you party animals that got blind drunk and crawled home from clubs together? Or were you always going to a certain cafe for your favourite slice of cake?

Whatever it was, why not go back there and behave like you did then? Buy the entire box set of the tv program, dig out that game (or buy some new ones!) or take a few hours out of your weekend to go back to that cafe and sit and enjoy the cake and each other's company. Pretend that you've just fallen in love, flirt, giggle and mess around like you did at the beginning. Ignore everyone else and get lost in young love!

You could even surprise her with a date night that goes back to the roots of your relationship. She'll love it! Good luck and let me know how it went.

Love from lila xx

Friday, 19 October 2012

Share the Wisdom!

Sharing is caring - if you know someone that could benefit from this blog, then share it with them!

If this blog has given you at least one clever idea or enlightened you to one crazy woman thought process then why not share it with a friend or two? If you're on facebook then please like love from lila on facebook and make sure to share it with any friends that you think may benefit from it. If you don't use facebook then why not add yourself to the mailing list so that you receive each post straight to your email inbox (see right of page for the magic mailing list box) and if there are any things that you want to see written about then why not email me through

Most importantly, have a lovely week and I hope you'll be back here next week (don't forget to bring a friend or two)!

Love from lila xx

Friday, 12 October 2012

Writing Anniversary Cards

So you've got a big anniversary coming up and you were planning on just writing 'Happy Anniversary, ILY' in the card? Think again. The card may be less than half of the present but more than half as important!

You tell her that you love her everyday (don't you?), so on your anniversary she's expecting to hear a little more about how you feel! I know that it's hard to know what to write in important cards but if you only share your feelings about her once a year, let it be on your anniversary.

The main thing to remember is that she wants to know how you feel about her, how much you value your relationship, why she is and how she is important to you, whether you think about the future with her and how happy you are to be with her. So when writing the card imagine that she's asked you how you feel about her. If you're not sure how to answer that then have a look at my blog about answering the question, 'How Do You Feel?' because that will give you a good idea about some of the things you should be writing!

If that all seems a bit long winded then just write down all of the things that your heart tells you when you look at her, hopefully something along the lines of - how beautiful she is, how much you love spending time with her, how kind she is, how much you love the food that she cooks, how much you miss her when she's not there and how much you look forward to the future with her!

Have a lovely week and don't forget to come back next Friday for some more insights into understanding women!

Love from lila xx

Friday, 5 October 2012

How To Read Her Hints

Have you ever wondered why your girlfriend mentions something that she wants to buy repeatedly to you but never actually buys it? Wonder no more...

There's a good chance that she's trying to suggest it to you as a present idea. If she keeps bringing up something that she wants to buy, very loudly and clearly in front of you but never actually buys it, then it's my bet that she's repeating it in the hope that you'll pick up her hint and buy it for her.

One thing to remember is that you need to be careful when buying presents that she's got her eye on already because she probably knows exactly which one she wants and if you don't get that exact one then she may be a little disappointed. If you've picked up a hint about a present, try and find out as much about her preferences for it as possible without looking like you're going to buy it for her. If you're really lucky she may have saved her favourite in an amazon wishlist or browser favourites folder (tread carefully, she may have saved present ideas for you here too!). If not then you could casually ask her if she's done any research on the thing she wants to buy and whether she's got some ideas about what it is specifically that she wants. If she hasn't done any research then why not suggest that she has a look now so that when she wants to buy it, she knows exactly what she wants.

So the next time she talks about something that she wants to buy but hasn't bought yet, try and pick up her hint and buy it for her before she gets bored and buys it for herself! You could wait until an upcoming birthday or anniversary (although anything longer than 1 month away is probably too long) or you could surprise her by buying it in the middle of the year for absolutely no reason (or make up a reason, everyone likes presents just because it's monday!). Regardless of when you buy it for her (although the sooner after she's said it, the better) she'll love that you were listening to her and what she wants and you'll earn super boyfriend points!

Good luck and get present buying!

Love from lila xx