Friday, 2 November 2012

5 Reasons Why Her Best Friend Should Be Yours Too!

Your girlfriend's best friend is your best resource for help with all things girlfriend related, from present buying to why she may be annoyed with you! Don't believe me? Read on for five reasons why her best friend is the best tool in helping to keep your girlfriend happy...

It makes sense doesn't it really? Everyone knows that all women talk (and moan) about are clothes, make-up and yes, boyfriends - we are a little more complicated than that but I'll keep it simple. That means that your girlfriend's best friend knows a lot about you and what things you may be doing wrong or right. Don't shy away from the best friend, ask for her help! There are five very good reasons why her best friend is useful to you;

  1. She wants to make her best friend happy, just like you, so she's more than likely to help you out with any big romantic plans you may have.
  2. Your girlfriend is highly likely to chat about things she would like to buy or receive with her best friend. Therefore the best friend is/should be a wealth of knowledge when it comes to buying presents for your girlfriend.
  3. Girls talk. There's a very good chance that your girlfriend and her best friend have the occasional moan about annoying things that you boys do. There's an equal chance however that they will also say 'awwww X did this yesterday and it was so sweet'. If you ever want to find out what your girlfriend might be annoyed about you doing or what she may really love that you do, ask the best friend!
  4. Women like shopping. They will also have lots of experience shopping together and will know each others' tastes well. If you're stuck for present ideas or would like to buy clothes but aren't sure what size or style - ask the best friend to tag along on a shopping trip.
  5. It will make your life loads easier. You're likely to spend a lot of time going out with the best friend (and her partner) and it would make it a lot easier for everyone, including your girlfriend, if she knows that you get on well with each other. Besides, if the best friend wasn't an amazing person then your girlfriend wouldn't be friends with her!

So don't forget that if you ever need help, the best friend will always be there and ready to help you do anything to make your girlfriend happy because that's her job and she loves your girlfriend as much as you do. Just remember to thank her for all of her help because she is, and always will be an amazing best friend, to you and more importantly, your girlfriend!

Love from lila xx

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