Saturday, 16 February 2013

Get Some Feedback...

Whether you think your present was perfect or not, why not ask her what she really thought?

Sometimes we know we've given really bad presents. Sometimes we know we've given really great presents. And sometimes we're just not sure. Whether you think your present was terrible, brilliant or just so-so, why not ask her what she thought? I know that it may not be great to hear that your present sucked when you thought that it was brilliant, but surely knowing that it was bad would help you improve in the future? Even if it was really bad, I'm sure that your girlfriend wouldn't be so harsh that she would outright say it was the worst present in the world! She's more likely to say something like, 'well, I could see that you put thought into it' or 'it wasn't terrible, it was just...'.

I'm not saying that you have to ask her, just in case she didn't like it, but I'm sure that deep down you do want to give her great presents! The only way to do that is to take criticism and improve next time. You could even ask her if there was anything she'd change about Valentine's day - just make sure to remember that for next year! And most importantly, if you thought your present from her was absolutely amazing - make sure to tell her!

Love from lila xx

P.S. I hope you had a lovely Valentine's day.

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