Friday, 8 June 2012

I Love You.

So the other week I told you all how to send little messages to remind her that you love her in my post about everyday romance tips. Have you tried it or did you forget? Read on to find out the easy way to 'remember'.

As I'm sure you've heard far too many times already, women need to be reminded often that you love them because you men like to keep your feelings to yourself! So the next time you think about her, or think about how much you miss her, or how pretty she is - tell her. Write her a note or bring her a present, it doesn't really matter, as long as she knows what you're thinking. Unless you tell us what you're thinking, we'll never know, and that worries us!

If you have trouble making the connection between thinking about her and then telling her, try putting an alarm on your phone. We know you think about us, but sometimes we like to be reminded and although we'd like it to be sparked by your own memory rather than a phone alarm, as long as you're sharing your feelings, it's a start! So pick a random time in a few days and set an alarm. When it goes off, set another alarm for a different time in a few more days and pick an idea from the list on my other blog post - a text, an email, a little present - and tell her what sprang to your mind first when you thought about her (you might want to leave out the part about the alarm though). You could always make it a regular (rather than random) time and start a little tradition. For example you could pick 11am on Fridays to remind her that you love her and vary it by choosing a different method of showing/telling her every week!

That's how easy it is. So please try it out and when you think of her, try and think to tell her too. We like to know what you're thinking, and unfortunately that means that you're either going to have to show us or tell us. So send a text, leave her a note, or just surprise her with a chocolate bar in her lunch but do it often. If you think of her 100 times a day, tell her 100 times a day (or at least as many times as you remember to when you think it)!

Hopefully that was short and sweet but easy to follow. If you try something, as usual let me know at Good luck.

Love from lila xx

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