Friday, 10 August 2012

You Look Nice!

Have you ever said that and been met with a relatively unsatisfied and probably very sarcastic 'thanks' from your girlfriend? No girl wants to be described as looking 'nice' after she's just spent hours fixing her hair, make-up and outfit! If you think you need some ideas on how to phrase what you want to say then read on!

So your girlfriend has spent all afternoon showering, shaving/waxing, doing her hair, fixing her make-up and trying on, taking off and finally deciding on an outfit. She comes downstairs to show off her effort and see what you think and you say 'You look nice' (as you look up from and then quickly back to your XBox) and she seems more than a little annoyed by that statement. Cue an argument and a rather unhappy evening? If she's come downstairs with a smile on her face looking really confident then she's happy with her outfit and thinks she looks really pretty. If you then say 'you look nice' then she's going to be a little disappointed and it's going to throw her confidence a little. If she's not looking too confident and isn't satisfied with her outfit, a little assurance from you could really help her out so as long as she's not wearing anything really hideous, then make sure you tell her how good she looks!

What words should you be wary of then? Nice is definitely a no go but cute is also a word that you should use sparingly. When a woman's spent all day getting ready, she's not going for 'cute'. She's a woman and wants to be seen as one! What does she really want to hear then? On an everyday basis, she needs to know that you think she's beautiful, because she is, isn't she! From first thing in the morning through to last thing at night when she's so tired that she can't even keep her eyes open, when she's sick, when she's crying and when she's just generally having a down day (*coughs* don't forget to tell her that too!). For those times when she's put in extra special effort she needs to feel that she looks exceptionally beautiful. If you're not sure whether she's put in extra effort then here are some clues - she's asking what you think of her outfit or how she looks, she's spent hours in the bathroom, she's standing there in something other than her daily outfit waiting for you to say something or she's pre-warned you that she's spent all day getting ready!

Everyday Adjectives: beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, good-looking, lovely, pretty.
Exceptional Adjectives: exceptionally beautiful, stunning, amazing, sensational, incredible, breathtaking, mind-blowing, drop-dead gorgeous, irresistible, ravishing, awesome, fabulous, fantastic.

Just remember not to seem surprised that she looks so exceptionally beautiful. Of course you can say wow and look impressed, but it shouldn't be so unbelievable that she looks so good. Although obviously if you thought that she couldn't get any more beautiful then you're allowed to be a little surprised, just make sure that you tell her that!

If she's having one of those days when her hair, make-up and outfit just don't seem to be perfect (to her) make sure that you reassure her that she still looks beautiful because as a female there are days when she'll never be satisfied with her outfit even though she still looks amazing, and she needs you to make her believe that she's looking brilliant. If she's wearing a really hideous outfit then you need to tactfully suggest that she wear something else and reassure her that she looks even more beautiful in the new outfit.

I hope this helped you out and as always, good luck!

Love from lila xx

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