Friday, 25 January 2013

Music For Love

Well everyone, yesterday left you with 3 weeks to go before Valentine's day! Are you ready?

If you haven't planned anything yet, hopefully a youtube playlist of over 100 songs (yes, I really did sit down and think of that many songs!) will get you all inspired for Valentine's day.

Click here to be transported to the playlist!

I hope you read my blog post from two weeks ago, but if you didn't then I'd suggest reading it and perhaps using one of the songs to find the perfect words to tell her how you feel. If you're not planning to make something like I suggested in the blog, then why not just use the playlist as background music on the day? Or you could pick your favourites and make your own playlist that you link her to on the day, or you could make her a cd with all of yours/her favourites on!

The playlist may have a lot of songs in it that you're not really fond of but it is really designed to offer as many suggestions that appeal to as many people as possible. So feel free to edit the selection and make what you will with it!

Love from lila xx

Friday, 18 January 2013

Frame Your Memories...

Valentine's Day is the perfect time to give the present of a memory, so read down for one of the easiest present ideas I'll ever give you!

Today if you're lucky it's snowed near you, making a beautiful background for photos. So fetch your girlfriend, put your wellies on, get wrapped up, grab your camera and head out in the snow for a snowball fight, maybe some snow angels but best of all, some beautiful pictures of the two of you having fun together!

If you don't feel like going out in the cold today then stay in and have a look through all of the photos you have of the two of you together.

Then all you have to do is pick your favourite and frame it. This is where you have to splurge a little because, whether it's plain and simple or intricate and unique, a good quality, beautiful frame is the most important part of the present/gesture.

When you wrap it, make sure to wrap it in bubble wrap or tissue paper first to protect it and then find the perfect paper and make the outside look as beautiful as the inside (if you need some help with wrapping ideas then check back in a few weeks!).

See? I told you it was easy!

Love from lila xx

Friday, 11 January 2013

Speaking The Truth...

With Valentine's day so close (don't panic!), it's probably time you started thinking about some presents. Read on for a really cute way of telling her how much you love her, without saying anything at all!

Sometimes it's hard to tell someone how much we love them, and how they make us feel, with words. Let's face it, we can't all be fantastic writers who can put together a little speech and say it out loud to the person we love that will make them melt in an instant, with very little effort and stress. That means that sometimes we have to turn to others' words in order to have such an effect on someone but that doesn't have to be plain and boring. There's also a very good chance that someone will have already said what you want to say, more eloquently and more beautifully than anyone else ever could. This post will show you a few sources for romantic and loving words and some ways of presenting them.

Firstly, you can find romantic quotes or passages from...

  • books
  • songs
  • poems
  • films
  • tv programs
  • famous quotes
  • and many other places - use your head!

When you've chosen your quote, whether it's just a sentence or a whole paragraph, you need to decide how you're going to present it. You could...
  • just write it in her card
  • design something by hand or on the computer with the words (and some artistic decoration) and frame it for the wall

  • do something similar but onto a canvas - check this blog post out for some help

  • record your own version of the song (and post it on youtube)
  • recreate the scene (alone or with her) - you could even cut the original movie, replace the scene with your recreation, and play it to her as normal on Valentines, surprising her with your own special scene

  • make a video of photos of you (with reference to the lyrics or words)

If you're not sure where to start then here are some lovely quotes from songs, films or books that will start your search for the perfect words...
  • 'I love that you get cold when it’s 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle in your nose when you’re looking at me like I’m nuts. I love that after I spend a day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.' When Harry Met Sally
  • 'It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together...and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home...only to no home I’d ever known.' Sleepless in Seattle
  • 'I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.' Pride and Prejudice
  • 'Could you be the most beautiful girl in the world, It's plain to see you're the reason that God made a girl.' Prince - Most Beautiful Girl in the World

These are just a few ideas of what you can do but if you take some time to think about her favourite films or books then I'm sure you'll be able to come up with some quotes or scenes that she'll just love. Not only because they're from her favourite films, but because you've paid attention to her favourite things and made them into something beautiful that she can keep forever. So just remember that you never have to struggle to find the right words to say and how to phrase them because someone has probably already said it more beautifully than you could. So use that to help you tell her exactly how you feel.

Love from lila xx

P.S. Only 34 days until Valentine's day.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Relationship Resolutions

Everyone knows that the new year is all about making resolutions of things to do and not to do. Why not try making some relationship resolutions?

I thought that a nice idea to start the year would be to make some little resolutions of things to do and not to do. So I put together a few designs for 'his and hers' resolution printables so that you can write some for each other.

There are two sides to the resolutions. Firstly, try and think of 5 things that you do that annoys or upsets your partner and list them in the 'stop' side. Then, on the other side, try and think of 5 things that you don't do enough (or at all!) that makes your partner happy and write them into the 'do more of' side. If you're not sure what you do or don't do, then why not include your partner in the process and write them together. That way you can be sure that your resolutions are things that really matter to the other person!


You can either print the design that you like (onto card) or just open them up in Photoshop (/something similar) and add your resolutions electronically, then email them to her! If you don't like my designs, then why not make your own or even just buy some nice card and write out something like - 'these are five things I will try not to do in 2013 and these are five things that I will try harder to do in 2013' and sign it, with love.

Writing the resolutions is only part of the process though. Why not keep a copy of your resolutions yourself so that you can see what you've promised to do/not and try and keep them! If you're really confident that you can stick to them then you could even come up with some rewards or forfeits for each month/the year to do together. So if for example you do a really good job (at her discretion of course!) of sticking to your 'do more of' resolutions then she could treat you to dinner out, or vice versa. If you don't stick to your 'stop' resolutions then your forfeit could be doing the cleaning or washing up (when she says) for the whole month! It doesn't have to be serious, it can just be a bit of fun to make you both realise some of the things that you do or say to the other that upsets them or makes them happy. so make it fun. Make the rewards romantic activities that you can both enjoy together.

That's all from me today, so all that I want to say is that I hope that the new year brings love and happiness to everyone regardless of whether they're in a relationship or not. To those of you in relationships, I hope that 2013 will be the best year that you've ever had together.

Love from lila xx