Friday, 25 January 2013

Music For Love

Well everyone, yesterday left you with 3 weeks to go before Valentine's day! Are you ready?

If you haven't planned anything yet, hopefully a youtube playlist of over 100 songs (yes, I really did sit down and think of that many songs!) will get you all inspired for Valentine's day.

Click here to be transported to the playlist!

I hope you read my blog post from two weeks ago, but if you didn't then I'd suggest reading it and perhaps using one of the songs to find the perfect words to tell her how you feel. If you're not planning to make something like I suggested in the blog, then why not just use the playlist as background music on the day? Or you could pick your favourites and make your own playlist that you link her to on the day, or you could make her a cd with all of yours/her favourites on!

The playlist may have a lot of songs in it that you're not really fond of but it is really designed to offer as many suggestions that appeal to as many people as possible. So feel free to edit the selection and make what you will with it!

Love from lila xx

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