Friday, 4 January 2013

Relationship Resolutions

Everyone knows that the new year is all about making resolutions of things to do and not to do. Why not try making some relationship resolutions?

I thought that a nice idea to start the year would be to make some little resolutions of things to do and not to do. So I put together a few designs for 'his and hers' resolution printables so that you can write some for each other.

There are two sides to the resolutions. Firstly, try and think of 5 things that you do that annoys or upsets your partner and list them in the 'stop' side. Then, on the other side, try and think of 5 things that you don't do enough (or at all!) that makes your partner happy and write them into the 'do more of' side. If you're not sure what you do or don't do, then why not include your partner in the process and write them together. That way you can be sure that your resolutions are things that really matter to the other person!


You can either print the design that you like (onto card) or just open them up in Photoshop (/something similar) and add your resolutions electronically, then email them to her! If you don't like my designs, then why not make your own or even just buy some nice card and write out something like - 'these are five things I will try not to do in 2013 and these are five things that I will try harder to do in 2013' and sign it, with love.

Writing the resolutions is only part of the process though. Why not keep a copy of your resolutions yourself so that you can see what you've promised to do/not and try and keep them! If you're really confident that you can stick to them then you could even come up with some rewards or forfeits for each month/the year to do together. So if for example you do a really good job (at her discretion of course!) of sticking to your 'do more of' resolutions then she could treat you to dinner out, or vice versa. If you don't stick to your 'stop' resolutions then your forfeit could be doing the cleaning or washing up (when she says) for the whole month! It doesn't have to be serious, it can just be a bit of fun to make you both realise some of the things that you do or say to the other that upsets them or makes them happy. so make it fun. Make the rewards romantic activities that you can both enjoy together.

That's all from me today, so all that I want to say is that I hope that the new year brings love and happiness to everyone regardless of whether they're in a relationship or not. To those of you in relationships, I hope that 2013 will be the best year that you've ever had together.

Love from lila xx

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